Change round brackets to square brackets

Chicago style 16th edition (see 6.99) says:

"Chicago prefers square brackets as parentheses within parentheses, usually for bibliographic purposes."

Is there a way to change round brackets to square brackets in citations?
  • edited March 25, 2017
    Enter the text within the parentheses as prefixes/suffixes on the citation. Zotero's processor should handle the square brackets. If not, you can type the square brackets in the citation prefix/suffix.
  • I'm glad to see this come up. The parens/brace flip-flop feature is one of the prouder moments in processor development history. Here's a test that shows it in action.

    (Now I hope I haven't jinxed it by writing that ...)
  • @bwiernik Ah, I see. The text needed to say something akin to "(through, as Smith [1993] argues, the staging of traditional rituals)". So I just typed "through, as Smith [" in the prefix field and "] argues, the staging of traditional rituals" in the suffix field and that worked.

    Thank you!
  • Hi all,
    I am trying to get Zotero to do the same

    text (text [ref] text)

    but I do not want to put all the text in the prefix, because if I change citation style then there is a chance things will get complicated, like putting brackets instead of parenthesis and then i have

    text [text [ref]]

    Is there anything on the horizon to have an option for this?

    Many thanks
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