File link attachments

Hello! Many of my items contain links to their associated documents. I recently moved my entire file of research documents from my C drive to my D drive, breaking all of the links. The items are located in the same place on the D drive with the only difference being the D:\ instead of C:\. Is there any way to update these links en masse?

  • You can batch change links using Zutilo:

    It might also be possible to do this using the relative base link field in Zotero (preferences --> advanced --> files and folders), but you may have had to have set the base directory before moving the files.
  • Awesome - I'll give it a shot. Thanks @adamsmith!
  • (If someone knows the answer to the relative links question, I'd be interested to know)
  • Yes, you can do this with the base-directory setting, but you have to temporarily move the files back — otherwise they'll stay as absolute paths.

    Basically if you had files stored with absolute paths like C:\foo\My Files\bar\file.pdf and you moved them to the same location on D:, you have to move them back to C:, set the base directory to C:\foo\My Files (which changes them to use relative paths like 'bar\file.pdf'), move them to D: (temporarily making them inaccessible), and update the base directory to D:\foo\My Files so that the relative paths work again.
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