Reports no longer printing (report ID 1465032087)
I haven't needed separate reference documents created from reports for a long time (1 year+). When I tried to do this for the first time yesterday, I found I am no longer able to print/create PDFs in standalone v. running under Mac OS Sierra 10.12.3. Reports may be saved as HTML and text files but this creates an extra and unnecessary step. Is there a fix on the way?
dstillmanI'm pretty sure it's never been possible to print reports from Standalone. My guess is that you're either misremembering or were doing this previously with Zotero for Firefox. We have an open ticket to fix this, but not sure when it will happen.
dsr20901Thanks dstillman. I've been using the standalone version since its first release. I went back into my archives to locate a PDF generated directly from a report. Though I can't attach the file here, I can past the page header generated: "zotero://report/items/0_872VUCGS/html/report.html" This file was created in 2011. At that time I was using a Windows based system and that may be the difference: reports "printed" under Windows and not Mac.
dstillmanIt looks like we may have had this years ago (though I see it being added in 2012, so not sure the 2011 file would've been Standalone). In any case, it's been broken in Standalone for a while, but we'll try to fix it for 5.0 or soon after.