Ebook citations

When citing an ebook (more frequently each time) APA requests the following format :

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book [E-reader version, if applicable]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book [E-reader version, if applicable]. doi:xxxxx

BUT: it requires the "Title of book" in italics and [E-reader version, if applicable] part without the italics. To add the section [E-reader version], I am currently adding that information next to the item's title. However, it also becomes italicized since Zotero treats it like the title. Is there any other way to do it?

And, pleeeeeese, we would love to have a specific type of citation for ebooks, instead of using the regular "book" item type.

APA info retrieved from: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/06/how-do-you-cite-an-e-book.html
  • To get the APA format information in brackets, add this to the top of the Extra field:
    medium: Kindle Book

    There is no real difference between an electronic book and a physical one (particularly if the "e-book" is a PDF). The only real concern is about page numbers, though most current e-book formats maintain parity with the print version page numbers, so even that is becoming less of an issue. In APA and other styles, the only difference in citation format is potentially adding an inidication of the medium you read the item in. As you can do this with the medium field in Extra, it is unlikely that Zotero would add a separate item type for e-books (though a dedicated "Format" field or similar for Book items is not out of the question).
  • Wow!!! great!! Tks. That "extra" field is magic!!!
  • Where can I add that extra field medium or how can I add that extra field. My Uni wants also, that E-books are in that original e-Book APA style ( APA Manual for electronic references (2012), but only the Title of book should be italics and not the bracket:

    Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book [E-reader version, if applicable]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx

    Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book [E-reader version, if applicable]. doi:xxxxx

    At the moment Zotero is driving me banana because of this official APA-E-Book Style:
  • edited September 12, 2017
    In the right panel of Zotero, you see a lot of fields. On in the bottom is also field "Extra". Write in this field text: medium: E-reader version
  • Thanks, I found it! Wonderful, problem solved!
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