How are we supposed to do a "systemwide" installation of Zotero 5.0 beta ?

I managed somehow to guess that zotero would install itself by untarring the tarball an running the "zotero" executable.

However, it is not absolutely obvious to install it "cleanly" somewhere in a system directory (/usr/local/share on Unix, "Program Files" on Windows ?) and linking the relevant file (which ?) to the relevant places (where ?).

A short note to this effect in the tarball would be handy...
  • A README is planned, but Zotero for Linux is distributed the same way as Firefox (and lots of other programs) — just a tarball with an executable. There are third-party packages for specific distros that are probably more appropriate for most users. We don't currently manage those, though with the switch to a single standalone version it's possible we should take over at least the Ubuntu one.

    The 5.0 package does include a Unity desktop file, though, which can be symlinked to /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/share/applications/ and added to the launcher from there. There's also a set_launcher_icon script that can be run first to give it the correct icon.

    I don't know off-hand what the recommended steps for a manual installation would be on other distros.
  • We don't currently manage those, though with the switch to a single standalone version it's possible we should take over at least the Ubuntu one.
    FWIW, if it's manageable, I'd highly encourage that. Sebastiaan's PPA has been great and he's been very reliable updating it, but still, it relies on someone with pretty limited connection to Zotero to keep it updated.
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