In-serach for a style for Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

Appreciate if anyone has this style.

Journal article
Spell out all names of journals.
Black, A.S., J.S. Johns, and R.R. Done. 1998. Soil conservation in America. American Soil Science Journal 45(4) :2356-2357.

Samani, Z.A., and M. Pessarakli. 1986. Estimating potential crop evapotranspiration with minimum data in Arizona. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 29(2) :522-524.
Muldoon, D.D. 1987. Daily life of the mountain rapper. Journal of the West 26 (October):14-20.

Brett, P.D., S.W. Johnson, and C.R.T. Back. 1989. Mastering Watershed Management. San Francisco:Amati Press.
Cline. C.L., ed. 1970. The Letters of William Blackwell, Farmer. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Meyer, D.J. 1997. Water Flow in Soils. New York: Random House.

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