Intercepting Endnote

I've read a few posts about this but none seem to really answer the questions that I have regarding this feature.

Some site that I run into have an Export to Endnote Web or an export to Endnote, at al button on the web page. I assume that Endnote web is NOT the way to go (I've tried and gotten lost) but when I try to export to Endnote et al I get an offer to download a .cif file - can I somehow utilize this file in Zotero?

I s this worth pursuing in light of the lawsuit regarding Endnote translators? If there is a FAQ or disucssion covering this I'd appreciate a pointer...

I really like this application, enough so that I'd even PAY for it.

  • Different sites "Export to Endnote" buttons do different things. Zotero will automatically intercept some of them. Open up the .CIF file with a text editor, if it looks like RIS or BibTeX you can probably just rename the file and import it into Zotero. That said, there is a good chance the file is a strange idiosyncratic format. In which case there is little you can do with it.
  • Please provide a URL containing an example for us.

    Do you have the 'Use Zotero for downloaded RIS/Refer files' option checked? These formats account for a majority of "endnote" exports. Sometimes, the files will have a good mimetype & a poor filename extension (that is often used for all exports from the site). Such files should still download with that option checked. However, often the mimtype is also not very good & you will have to import manually (as Tjowens indicates). While EndNote can import a few other formats (but not BibTeX), they seem to be fairly uncommon.
    I s this worth pursuing in light of the lawsuit regarding Endnote translators?
    This concerns the citation style files & not data exchange formats. Most such formats are limited, but are open (as other programs need to write to them in order to get the files into Endnote). So, this seems to be unrelated & I'm less pessimistic than tjowns is.
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