Saving item from EM Premium (French platform) > ID 722576630


The EM Premium platform (Elsevier Masson) has made some progress to be compatible with zotero, but errors still occur.

For example, with this reference :
When you save the reference to zotero by clicking on the save icon, only the following fields are filled with the correct metadata :
- type of item
- title
- author
For the other fields: either they are empty, or a "routing error" occurs.

But everything is OK when you add the reference with its DOI (10.1016/j.refiri.2016.08.005).

Is there a way to correct the import procedure by clicking on the icon ? Translator trouble ?

Thank you for your help.
  • I don't have access to the platform, so unfortunately not much I can say, sorry.
    You can, though, click on the small arrow next the the Save to Zotero icon and import by DOI.
  • Thank you for your prompt response.
    I'm so dumb... I forgot you need subscription to access this platform !
    I usually use the Firefox extension but today I changed for Zotero Standalone 5.0-beta.157+82b789e, with the new connector. I will ll have a look into Documentation to see how change the Save to Zotero icon in order to select DOI import (no arrow <=> no choice).
    Thanks again
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