[5.0 beta] change the way dates are displayed to system default
Hi, this is either a 'how can I do this' or a feature request - but is there any way to get the dates in the 'Date Added' column to not use the US format? as a Brit it's one of those things that makes me have to look twice, or more if I'm tired.
If there's some easy hidden preference to make Zotero use the Windows system preferences, that'd be great, or if it should already be doing that, then I guess this is an error report after all
If there's some easy hidden preference to make Zotero use the Windows system preferences, that'd be great, or if it should already be doing that, then I guess this is an error report after all
(not new in 5.0, but I assume you were using the Firefox version before?)
However I've followed Dan's instructions to change the setting in about:config and all is good now.
And yes I was using the Firefox version before.
We need a better link for this... I'll probably just put this in a kb article.
Do include a line about where to find about:config in Standalone - it may just be because I'm pre-coffee but I did have a moment of trouble finding it - I'm so used to being able to type it into the url bar in Firefox that not being able to do precisely that threw me for a minute.
Right, off to make coffee, Thanks again.