Style Error: SAGE Vancouver

edited February 22, 2017
I have a few suggested corrections for the SAGE Vancover style (sage-vancouver.csl). The first may require some decision-making; the rest should be simple once the first one is dealt with.

The SAGE Vancouver reference style guide can be found here:

I) The “access” macro (lines 71-90) is called at the end of every entry (line 200). It adds the “Epub ahead of print” text that the style guide requests for “Journal article published ahead of print”. The macro is also responsible for adding the URL and accessed date, which the style guide requires for “Website”.
The csl decides to use the "Epub" text if the “page” variable is empty and if there is a DOI listed. However, this means that any item that doesn’t have a “page” field and also has a DOI listed (either in a standard field or using the {DOI:XXXXXX} in the “extra” field approach) gets caught. In my case, the problem items are books (which don’t have a “page” variable, but “# of Pages”) for which I’ve added a DOI in “extra”, but it could apply to any of the item types that don’t have “page”. Likewise, for books that have no DOI, but have something in the URL field, I get the URL and an accessed date, which is clearly inappropriate.
I’ve been debating on the best fix for this, and I’m wondering if the simplest is to only call the “access” macro for “Journal Article” and “Web Page” items? (I’m not in love with using the empty page variable to call the “Epub…” text, but I can’t think of a better approach.) The downside is that this would miss putting DOIs or URLs on some miscellaneous item types that might could use it, but the style guide is actually pretty specific about wanting DOIs only for in-press journal articles and URLs only for web pages. (Personally, I’d rather have DOIs on everything, but that’s neither here nor there.)
I think this macro may also be responsible for putting the date at the end of book and chapter entries, but I’m not certain. If so, could possibly add <text macro="date"/> after line 160.

II) There should be no space between the “p.”/“pp.” and page number(s), but there should be a space before page numbers in journal articles. (line 125, delimiter=""?)

III) Comma and space before URL. Not sure how that needs to be implemented.

IV) Last author (or editor) in list should be preceded by “and” with no comma: “Last1 F, Last2 G and Last3 H.”

V) Book section/chapter item type should have edition numbers for book the same as when the book is called. (Add <text macro="edition"/> after line 169?)

VI) Ditto for year, but see end of point I. I think it’s not adding the year when there is a URL present for a book chapter. Perhaps add <text macro="date"/> after line 172?

All of these suggestions probably also apply to sage-vancouver-brackets.csl, but I haven’t specifically looked.
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