Importing PDF links from Endnote

I'm importing references from Endnote X2 where I have links to PDF's that are stored on my hard drive. When I import the references into Zotero, it saves the PDF's in the Zotero folder, but I'd rather have the PDFs attached via a link. Is there any way to correct this upon import so I don't have to manually change all the files to links? Thanks!
  • Is there any way to correct this upon import so I don't have to manually change all the files to links?
    Not really. You can remove URLs from the RIS file & replace the prefix of file links with the one for URLs. This has obvious disadvantages, but some have preferred doing it.
  • Thanks for the response. I'm not trying to link to URL's. I have all of the PDF's stored on my hard drive, I just don't want two copies of them (ie. I want my PDF's to be only in my PDF folder rather than in the separate folders that Zotero creates upon import). When I create a reference I can have it link to the file on my hard drive rather than store a copy of it in the Zotero folder, and I thought that maybe there's a way to make this be the default way to handle PDF's upon import.
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