Question about connector API to communicate with local standalone zotero

I've been playing around with standalone zotero trying to add items from the command line using the connector api.

Attempting to add an item with I either get an internal server error (500) if I pass a uri for which zotero doesn't have a translator, or I get a timeout after 30s if I pass one for which it does.

Clearly I am misunderstanding something, so could someone point me in the right direction to be able to add items like this?

My end ambition is to be able to pass a url to a command line program and have a webpage item created if no translator exists, otherwise have another type of item created.

Thank you.
  • If you want to discuss this in more detail you should post to zotero-dev mailing list, but the short answer is that /connector/savePage has two mandatory fields: uri and html. So you should use curl or similar to get the contents of the page and pass that, along with the uri, to Zotero.

    There's more details/intricacies to the endpoint which we can discuss in the mailing list if you run into problems.
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