
Good Morning,
I would like to know what is the maximum capacity of people and online storage for private groups in Zotero.
thank you
  • No maximum number of people. The maximum online storage is determined by the storage quota of the group owner, which is 300MB for free but can be extended to unlimited.
    There's a practical limit for the size of libraries that will work comfortably with Zotero that's somewhere above 50,000 items in a library (that is shifting steadily upward as both Zotero and hardware is getting faster)
  • Thanks for the answer. But how can I do to make storage unlimited?
  • Click on "Upgrade Storage" at the top right of this page. Unlimited storage is currently at $120/year. Again, remember that it needs to be the owner of the group that has unlimited (or any other tier of) storage. Other members don't matter.
  • Thank you very much!
  • Good Morning,
    I have more doubts:
    If I have an unlimited license and create a private group, how will the members have access to the library that I make available to the group, will everyone have unrestricted access or only those who have unlimited licenses? How would this management work in the cloud?
    thank you
  • everyone in the group has unrestricted access, regardless of how much storage they have. I don't understand the question about "management work in the cloud," so if you need to understand more about that, could you rephrase/expand?
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