Suggestion for predictive typing for keyword entry

Not sure if the developers actively check these threads, but I have quick suggestion regarding the predictive typing that occurs when manually assigning keywords on an entry.

For instance, if I go to add a keyword to an article and type in "valu" I get a drop-down list with existing keywords like "value" and "valuation", but I am not shown keywords that contain it but don't begin with it, i.e. "social values" or "moral values". It would be very helpful to be shown all keywords that contain whatever is typed when entering keywords.
  • (all threads are read by devs, yes -- I can't speak in detail to the feasibility of this, but one concern is that testing the beginning of strings is hugely faster than checking entire strings bit-by-bit, so doing what you suggest could cause significant lags while typing).
  • Makes sense, thanks for the info!
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