style request: "high altitude medicine & biology"


I am looking for the output style for high altitude medicine & biology and couldn't neither find nor create it!
Assistance is highly appreciated!

Thank you


Journal citation:
Campbell JL, and Pederson OK (2007). The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40:307 - 332.

Chapter in an edited book:
Mares, I. (2001). Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. PA Hall & D Soskice, eds. Oxford University Press, New York; pp. 184–213.

instructions for authors:

Free example:

ISSN: 1527-0297 • Online ISSN: 1557-8682 •
  • @"el rei"
    I've just created the style as it is a simple style that just needed a few changes on a template.
    Can you do me a favour and find me a reference of a website in one of their papers. I've adapted the style for journals, books and chapters, just want to have webpages adapted, too, and they don't specify it in their guide.
  • Oookay. That was fast. Thank you. I tried deliberately but no way I could do it. The link provides you with a publication where they cited several webpages. Since they are not numbered I copied some:

    Salisbury R, and Hawley E. (2011). The Himalaya by the
    numbers: a statistical analysis of Mountaineering in the Nepal
    Himalaya. Vajara Publications, Kathmandu, Nepal. Available
    .pdf (accessed August 13, 2016).

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2015). Trends in
    prescription drug abuse. Available at https://www.drugabuse
    in-prescription-drug-abuse (accessed August 15, 2016).

    Tyrol Declaration. UIAA-International Climbing and Moun-
    taineering Federation (Union International des Associations
    d’Alpinisme). (2002). Available at
    tyrol-declaration.html (accessed May 14, 2016).

    Thank you again!
  • @"el rei"
    Great! Thanks for providing the examples, that made it a lot easier for us.
    It's created and under review, but you can obviously download the code there already and use it if you want.
  • Perfect! Thank you very much again! Helped me a lot.
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