Primo and Zotero

At The Royal Library in Denmark a new version of Ex Libris’ Primo catalogue has just been launched ( Publication year, place and publisher and other metadata are not imported on references to books using Zotero for Firefox.
Can you help us to fix this problem?
Best regards Therese
  • Yes, same issue -- the catalog already has the COinS data embedded as described in that thread and Zotero is picking that up, but it's not very good.

    If you take e.g.

    The COinS is <span ng-if="::$ctrl.zoteroParamsString" class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF-8&amp;ctx_tim=2017-02-02T14%3A23%3A20IST&amp;url_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;url_ctx_fmt=infofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Actx&amp;;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.btitle=Test%2C%20Phantastische%20Erz%C3%A4hlungen&amp;rft.aulast=Lem%2C&amp;rft.aufirst=Stanis%C5%82aw&amp;;rft_id=info%3Aoai%2F&amp;rft_dat=%3CKGL01%3E000233940%3C%2FKGL01%3E%3Cgrp_id%3E950396841%3C%2Fgrp_id%3E%3Coa%3E%3C%2Foa%3E%3Curl%3E%3C%2Furl%3E&amp;req.language=dan" <="" span=""> </span>

    You'll note the author is included twice and there's no publisher and no date -- which corresponds exactly to Zotero's import. You'll also note that exLibris implemented this specifically for Zotero (see the Zotero tag there). If they need any advice for creating better COinS, we're happy to help, just point them here.
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