Reference in word not pulling "author date" format.

I am using Chicago 16th edition, author date reference in the document.
When I insert a citation in word, it looks like this:
(Spillane, Halverson, and Diamond 2004)
It should look like this
Spillane et al, 2004.
Where do I check my settings for the reference system are correct?
I have checked in settings, preferences in zotero but I must be missing somewhere?
  • Are you referring to the et al. or the parentheses?
    Both are correct the way the currently look: Chicago (author-date), as described in the 15th chapter of the Manual, includes parenthetical citations and lists up to 3 authors before using et al.
  • Hi,
    I am trying to download zotero to a new laptop but it is not allowing me, what do you think I am forgetting. I have literally taken it out of the box, windows 10 is on it and that is it.
  • How are you downloading & what errors are you getting?
  • Hi, I got it downloaded, but now I am trying to connect it to the information that I sync on other computers. Any idea how or where I log on to sync the info?
  • Preferences/Options --> Sync
  • I think clicking on the round green sync symbol will take you there
  • I went into preferences to sync it but do I need to redo it as it is not picking up the rest of my data bases
  • Is the database visible here under "My Library" at the top of the page?
  • No, just the start up guide.
    Was I correct to download windows version?

  • the other lap tops may be set up with chrome but it would not let me download anything for that
  • That means your library never synced online in the first place. Do you have your old computer still? Set up sync there.
  • I have two computers that are syncing so does that not mean they are syncing on the internet? this is a third one to replace my work laptop
  • how do you tell they are syncing? If the library isn't here on My Library, you're at least not syncing with this account.
  • I think you are right, I just cant figure it out, it used to sync, was it due to version 4 changes to version 5 perhaps? I will try the old laptop
  • I got it sorted, thank you, it was an account set up error. thanks a million.
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