Zotero is adding the full name in the in-text reference when using Chicago Manual of Style


I've been using references to Hegel all along in a document I'm elaborating. All of a sudden, however, Zotero started putting the full name of Hegel in the parenthetical reference; e.g. "(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1995, 12)". Chicago's author-date style asks just for the last name in the parenthesis.

This is not happening with the other authors I'm using. And happens with all the books I'm using of Hegel.

Any ideas on how I could repair this?

Thank you,
  • I'd guess you're seeing a version of https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/given_name_disambiguation

    Check how Hegel inserts in a new document. If it's just Hegel there, this is definitely what's going on. Likely a slight variation in one of your entries -- easiest to check in the bibliography.

  • Wow, Adamsmith, thank you very much!

    Indeed, one of the Hegel books read "Wilheim" instead of "Wilhelm". I just straightened this name up and all the references in the document went back to correct form.

    I did try to look for past forums that had resolved this issue but it is sometimes very hard to find those.

    Wishing you the best,
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