Indexing and searching PDFs


on my PC (Windows 7) are the standalone-version ( and the firefox-version ( installed. For the full-text indexing are also the plugins pdfinfo and pdftotext (3.02a) installed. But Zotero doesn’t show me any result, when I search a word in any indexed pdf. I get no result. What is wrong? I would be glad if someone can give me a hint.
Best regards

  • Where/how are you searching? Note that for the quick search, you'd have to have the toolbar set to search by "Everything" if you want PDF full text included in the search.
  • I've been searching for this for long and almost desperately, and then it's so simple. Well hidden.

    Thank you very much. I’m happy.
  • I have an indexing-related question: At the moment, I have pdftotext version 3.02 and pdfinfo 3.02 installed; however, they put 100-page and 500,000-word limit on the text. This is quite inconvenient--and frustrating!--as most of the PDFs I am using are well over 100 pages (something around 1,000). That said, do you know of any third-party indexing plug-ins or something? After having added some 700 items, I fear that my Zotero database many no longer be as useful as I had hoped, as it only indexes about a quarter of my documents. Any ideas/solutions?

  • You can change the indexing limits under "Search" in the Zotero preferences, though note that you may see a performance hit in Zotero with that size of an index. But these are unrelated to pdftotext, which has no page limit.

    There are countless options for general indexing tools and what'll work for you depends a lot on what exactly you need as well as your operating system. I'd start with some google search -- there a lots of lists on this already, no need to try to get them through the Zotero forums.
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