firefox "refresh" and lost files

I accidently refreshed my Firefox and lost my zotero add-on. All my info appears to be saved on the Zotero server when I log in (thank god!). I re-installed the firefox zotero add-on and tried to sync, hoping this would restore everything (Is that the correct procedure?). I received a "conflict resolution" notice and was not sure which option to choose. I think the options were local, external, or merged (?). I am nervous about over-writing the server version with the empty local and losing everything. Can you please advise?
  • edited January 23, 2017
    Sync will work and the conflict resolution messages are for individual items, so you can't really do any harm there (I'd guess in your case it's just the "Welcome to Zotero" item, so completely inconsequential and you can choose whichever option). There's no chance to overwrite the server library with an empty library in a regular sync.

    Note, also, that almost certainly your data aren't lost locally, either:
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