LibreOffice / Zotero Workflow

the latest citations i added to my zotero library (since january 2017) do not appear in the list of sources when working in libreoffice. when i add a citation in libreoffice, everything works well otherwise but the newest citations won't display (although they are in my zotero). e.g. i want to quote author Z and it only shows one publication, not the 2017 one that i just added.
im not sure if this happened after i recently downloaded an update to Sierra. Sierra has been giving me trouble with Zotero/Libreoffice anyway but I was so glad I could make it work and now this.
thanks for your help!
  • The most likely reason would be that you have two different Zotero data directories. If you're running Zotero in Firefox, see if
  • thank you i think it works now
  • its strange, sometimes the new citations appear, sometimes not.
    can it have to do with the fact that i copied the zotero data directory from another computer?
    also i have a new bigger issue now: a document thats giving me a lot of trouble, i can't insert new citations i tried reinstalling libreoffice (several versions), and reinstalling the plugins and its still very unstable.
    reading the forums i think it had to do with a corrupt reference, so i deleted all references and it worked but now libreoffice freezes again. i also tried copy and paste in another document with no success. im kind of desperate now, help welcomed.
  • I have the same problem. It seems that it has to do with Java incompatibility. LibreOffice is built on 32 bit architecture and it requires Java for 32 bit. But my machine is 64bit. This could be the problem, but there is no advice as to how to install Java 32 bit on 64 bit machines to make it compatible with Zotero.
  • FWIW, on Mac the tested working combination is
    LibreOffice / JDK 1.8.0_112 / LO Integration Plugin 3.5.12 / Zotero / macOS 10.12.2.
    If you're not using Mac, please start a different thread. You can definitely run Zotero in LO on 64-bit systems.
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