Style error:[American Journal of Primatology]

Marzke, M. W., Toth, N., Schick, K., Reece, S., Steinberg, B., Hunt, K., … An, K. N. (1998). EMG study of hand muscle recruitment during hard hammer percussion manufacture of Oldowan tools. American Journal Physical Anthropology, 105, 315–332.

AJP is in the repository but it is incorrect. The above citation is correct.
Author guidelines are: In the text, references should be cited chronologically by publication date, then alphabetically by author, with the author's surname and year of publication in square brackets. The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by first author's surname. List all authors if there are five or fewer; when there are six or more authors, list the first three followed by et al. Journal titles should NOT be abbreviated.
  • edited January 18, 2017
    I've just checked and it comes out the correct way for me.
    I think there is some other issue with Zotero, not with the actual Citation Style.

    For clarity:
    this is what is outlined in the guidelines found here:
    King VM, Armstrong DM, Apps R, Trott JR. 1998. Numerical aspects of pontine, lateral reticular, and inferior olivary projections to two paravermal cortical zones of the cat cerebellum. Journal of Comparative Neurology 390:537-551.

    And this is what is appears like for me in Zotero:
    King VM, Armstrong DM, Apps R, Trott JR. 1998. Numerical aspects of pontine, lateral reticular, and inferior olivary projections to two paravermal cortical zones of the cat cerebellum. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 390:537–551.

    Or to use your citation, this it how it appears for me:
    Marzke MW, Toth N, Schick K, et al. 1998. EMG study of hand muscle recruitment during hard hammer percussion manufacture of Oldowan tools. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 105:315–332.

    Unless actual publications of their look different. I don't have access to this journal, so you'll need to tell me if that is the case. It happens that the guidelines are not in line with their actual publications.
  • Thank you for responding. The current guidelines have the year in square brackets. The volume is in bold, followed by a "," not a ":"

    The APA 6th edition, no volume is pretty close so hopefully, they will accept that.

    The citation that I posted originally is from an article that was recently published.

    In appreciation!
  • yeah, the journal style in the guidelines has nothing in common with the Journal, which indeed follows straight APA style, so you should be good with that.
  • Ok, thanks for confirming, Adam.

    Shall we make it a dependent APA style?
  • probably to the APA no issue no doi version, yes.
  • @ppebsworth
    Having looked into this now, Wiley's style guidelines are a mismatch with what they actually want in publications. Check their papers and you'll see that the style we have on the repository, made by @adamsmith himself, is correct.

    Should've checked that first before spending substantial amounts of time on coding a new style.
  • @damnation I think they changed their styleguide, so I'd put the new style up, which I'd assume is what they want for current submissions. If you go back ~half a year, the styleguide described the weird square bracket style, so this looks like an intentional change:
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