[ISSUE] Automatic sync not working?

Report IDs: 1800087214 & 2128071718

If I push a change from one computer how long should it take before another computer picks up that change?

My use case is that I want the second computer to automatically export a bib file whenever a collection changes - without any human intervention. I will do this using Better BibTex, but have disabled that as I don't believe it is related to this error (see https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/626 ). However, I currently only get changes to the collection if I force a sync using the gui button.

Steps to reproduce:
- Start zotero standalone on a mac and windows machine (both show the same synced group library with one collection)
- Change title of an entry on mac.
- Press sync to force sync to zotero server
- Check in browser that record is updated - works fine
- Check zotero standalone on windows machine - entry is not updated
- Generate first error report (1800087214)
- After a few minutes without any sync activity, manually force sync - entry is updated
- Generate second error report (2128071718)

  • currently, sync on an idle machine only triggers pretty rarely (15mins? 30mins?)
    I think the new sync framework used in Zotero 5.0 speeds that up, though, is that right Dan?.
  • In 4.0 I believe it auto-syncs after an hour of inactivity.

    As of the latest 5.0 beta, it will auto-sync within a few seconds whenever there is a remote change. (We're not 100% sure that feature will be make it into 5.0 Final, but it should be available soon one way or another.)
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