No title in some My Library items


First, thank you for this very nice Firefox extension!

I noticed that some notes in My Library had no titles whereas they have locally. How come?

Thank you for your help.
  • I'm not completely sure what you are asking. What do you mean, "Whereas they have locally"?

    Zotero's notes get their name from the first line of text in the note. If you start a note with a blank line your note will not have a title.
  • Sorry I was unclear. What I mean is this: all my notes have titles and I can see them in Zotero in FF on my computer.

    If I go to my Zotero Sync Server website and My Library I can see my files but some of them have no titles.
  • Can you provide a few examples of items that you're not seeing titles for? Also, is this just happening for notes? You can e-mail to, referencing this thread, if you prefer.
  • edited March 27, 2009
    Yes it only concerns standalone notes I created in FF/Zotero. For instance, one note is titled "Recherche de clients" in FF/Zotero on my computer and no title appears on the My Library screen of the server.
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