Files not syncing via WebDAV

This discussion was created from comments split from: Trouble with Syncing: Report ID = 1018719986.
  • Hello, I have the same problems as Kilmgram.
    Files uploaded on my Webdav server (Sabredav) by my first computer are not downloaded on second one and viceversa. I tried all the things as described above but files are only downloaded in the "on-demand download mode". The Debug Id is D464284984.


  • edited January 7, 2017
    (3)(+0000065): HTTP GET http://****@****/le_serveur_de_fichiers_zotero/fileserver.php/zotero/lastsync succeeded with 404

    (3)(+0000000): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <d:error xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:s="">;
    <s:message>File with name public/zotero/lastsync could not be located</s:message>

    (3)(+0000000): No last WebDAV sync time for library 0 -- skipping file downloads
    Something is wrong with your WebDAV server. Zotero can't access the 'lastsync' file it creates on the server, so it will never detect any changes.
  • Yes I saw that but if I look by ftp in the webdav directory sometimes there is the lastsync file and sometimes not (may be deleted by zotero in its process but miss to recreat it after). But in all cases pdfs are only downloaded in the "on-demand download mode".

    Thanks for your help.
  • Here the content of the last lastsync.txt I catched :

  • edited January 8, 2017
    But if I put the download option by default the file disappears
    Report Id = 1291413742
  • Just one question does Zotero need the lock/unlock webdav function ?
  • Zotero doesn't delete that file. If it can't access it, that's a problem with your WebDAV server that you'll need to debug. Check your server logs for the 404.

    Again, without access to that file, download "at sync time" won't work.
    Just one question does Zotero need the lock/unlock webdav function ?
  • edited January 9, 2017
    Here what I found :
    It was a location problem.

    Before (Zotero standalone debug)
    version =>, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion =>

    On my webdav server (Sabredav / no modification):
    date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); (I'm french :-) )

    After Zotero general.useragent.locale modification :
    version =>, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => fr-FR, appName => Zotero, appVersion =>

    And now file synchronization works well. (Hope it will work for others)

    It will be better "for me" to set all the location variables on the installation language rather than the operating system one.
  • The Zotero locale has no effect on syncing.
  • So I do not know what happened but like that I can keep my lovely Zotero software :-)

    Thank you for all of your work.
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