Data syncing with owncloud

Hi. I'm wondering if it would be possible to use Zotero on several machines, using owncloud's file-wise synchronisation. This would mean to synchronise the zotero.sqlite file. I understand that this sounds like a bad idea.

However, it should be possible if Zotero is used on one machine at a time only. So the zotero.sqlite file gets synchronised to the other machines and all is in the same state on all machines, before it is started on a different machine. Of course it would not be possible to resolve conflicts between two states of the zotero.sqlite file on two different machines, which would arise otherwise.

I'm using Zotero for Firefox. Of course, I would want to run Firefox instances on two machines at the same time. My question is: Does the zotero.sqlite file get opened/changed as soon as Firefox runs, or only after Zotero has been explicitly opened from the tool bar?

When the latter is the case, it should be possible to sync Zotero file-wise, as long as it is started on only one machine at a time.

  • Does the zotero.sqlite file get opened/changed as soon as Firefox runs

    If you really want to do this — which, as a general rule, we strongly discourage, since as you say it's very easy to corrupt the database — you should wait until Zotero 5.0, which will be out soon. 5.0 will only exist as a separate program, and there'll be a lightweight connector for Firefox that never accesses the database. (The current Zotero for Firefox will open the database as long as Standalone isn't open.)
  • Okay, I'll wait for Zotero 5.0. Thanks for the info.

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