Keeping Zotero on Dropbox

I just wanted to mention this in case anyone was wondering. I have my entire zotero folder stored on Dropbox, a file syncing program that works for both linux and windows. With this, I can make sure my db and files are synchronized regardless of which computer I use to access the information.

I know the functionality is already in place to sync this within the zotero server, but this allows you to keep the files synced also without the need of setting up a webdav server.

One item worth noting:
To make sure that zotero syncs properly, its best to close firefox on your inactive computer to make sure that the latest changes are applied to database. If their are changes that aren't transfered over because both db's are open and active, Dropbox has a nice versioning protocol which will still store the most updated db. I have been using this setup since before 1.5 and haven't had any problems with it yet.
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