Citation of a thesis and a report

Hi community
I'm adapting a numeric citation style to the requirements of the professorship I write for.

When citing a report, the type of the report and the organisation are required.
When citing a thesis, the type of thesis and the university are required.

But I cannot find these fields in the visual cs styles editor. How can I insert them into my style?
Thanks for helping me out.
  • Hi,
    I think you'll need to dig into the code. For example to add that it says thesis you'll have to adapt the code to something like this.
    Basically what this does is that if the document you cited is a report or thesis then it will print the title and the genre in brackets followed by No. and the number of it.

    <macro name="title">
    <if type="report thesis" match="any">
    <text variable="title"/>
    <group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
    <text variable="genre"/>
    <text variable="number" prefix=" No. "/>
  • Thank you, damnation!
    I've now understood, that I have to use "publisher" for the university and the organisation and collection-title for the type of the report and genre for the type of the thesis :-)
  • great stuff. Is that an internal style or something that is more official and can be added to the repo?
  • It's for my bachelor thesis at the FernUniversitaet in Hagen (Germany).
  • There's a useful mapping of fields and item types between Zotero and CSL here:
  • Thanks, adamsmith, that's what I was looking for.
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