Formating offline or citations in textboxes doesn't work

Zotero is awesome. I very much appreciate the achievement and am committed to using it as a reference manager. However, there are two fatal flaws that preclude using it routinely for formatting documents: 1) It doesn't work offline when an internet connection is unavailable; 2) It doesn't find citations in textboxes.

The task list must be long with many must-have features in the queue. Keep up the great work.

  • 1) It doesn't work offline when an internet connection is unavailable;
    It does not work when firefox is in offline/disconnected mode, but it does not require an internet connection. If you start firefox in online mode & lose your connection, it will work. If you start firefox with no connection & unselect file->work offline, it will work.

    I'm not sure if I know what you mean by textboxes. If you mean that you can't insert citations into a MS Word/OO.o Writer document in some sub-sections of the document, then that is a known defect.
  • On Windows Firefox will automatically switch to offline mode if you lose your network connection, but disabling Work Offline mode from the File menu should allow Zotero's word processor integration to continue to work.
  • If you don't actually use offline mode, you might look at the Always Online extension.
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