"The creation process encountered an error, and failed to create the PDF file."

I get this message when I try to follow the link on an annotation. I must be doing something wrong. I installed zotfile and followed the instructions. I rename (and automatically move) the pdf, which I attached to the citation. I then extract annotations. After it does that, it shows me the annotations and a link to the place in the pdf, but when I click on that link, I get the error message. I actually get it two times for some reason. It does brings up the pdf as well, but it does not take me to the location in the pdf, just the first page. Does anyone know how to fix this so that the links work correctly? Thanks! BTW, I am using Nitro PDF software. I tried this with Adobe reader, but it wouldn't even open the PDF with that.
  • This is on Windows? If Adobe doesn't open the PDF, that would seem like something is off with the file. Or are you just saying it doesn't open it from the annotation link?
  • Yes, it is on windows. I am saying that it doesn't open from the annotation link. This happens with any PDF link in Zotero. All PDFs open normally on their own. Thank you for your interest in helping with this problem!
  • Which version of ZotFile? When you view the note in html view, what does the link to the annotation look like?
  • edited December 27, 2016
    The zotfile I downloaded was listed as 4.2.6-fx. Here's an example of the html:
    (Periods added to get it to not post as a link.)
    <.p.>."novel phonetic category along the voice-onset-time continuum," (.<.a. href.=.".zotero.:././.open-pdf./.0_KPBSV4QI./.2.">.Wright et al 2015:929.<./.a.>.)<./.p.>.
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