Capitalization error for Chicago w/ Japanese software title?

I believe that the following capitalization is an error:

Full note:
NHK Bangumi Kakutei Hyō / Rajio (Taishō Jūyonen Sangatsu - Shōwa Nijūnen Jūnigatsu). Ja. Alchemy, 2003.


NHK Bangumi Kakutei Hyō.

The CD-ROM is a "not for sale" Japanese-language item in NHK's archives.
My understanding of Chicago is that foreign-language items are initial caps only.
If so, this is incorrect.

For now, I've changed the citation to a "book."
It's not a book, but that gives me a citation I can work with.

Full note:
NHK bangumi kakutei hyō / Rajio (Taishō jūyonen sangatsu - Shōwa nijūnen jūnigatsu). CD-ROM. Alchemy, 2003.

This is totally fine as a workaround, so there's nothing urgent about my question.

  • what's the item type in Zotero? And you do have the language in the language field?
  • Item type: software (computer program)
    Language: ja (as seen in the citation)
    Result same with "Japanese"
  • That's because Zotero maps the language field of computer programs to CSL's genre (assuming it's the programming language, not the language of the software title). If you want to keep the item a computer program, you can work around this (I think -- haven't tested) by typing
    language: ja into the Extra field of the item.
    We can see what we can do to address this with field updates.
  • Thanks, @adamsmith.
    "language: ja" in the Extra field works great:

    Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai. NHK bangumi kakutei hyō / Rajio (Taishō jūyonen sangatsu - Shōwa nijūnen jūnigatsu). Alchemy, 2003.
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