Capitalization error for Chicago w/ Japanese software title?
I believe that the following capitalization is an error:
Full note:
NHK Bangumi Kakutei Hyō / Rajio (Taishō Jūyonen Sangatsu - Shōwa Nijūnen Jūnigatsu). Ja. Alchemy, 2003.
Full note:
NHK Bangumi Kakutei Hyō / Rajio (Taishō Jūyonen Sangatsu - Shōwa Nijūnen Jūnigatsu). Ja. Alchemy, 2003.
NHK Bangumi Kakutei Hyō.
The CD-ROM is a "not for sale" Japanese-language item in NHK's archives.
My understanding of Chicago is that foreign-language items are initial caps only.
If so, this is incorrect.
For now, I've changed the citation to a "book."
It's not a book, but that gives me a citation I can work with.
Full note:
NHK bangumi kakutei hyō / Rajio (Taishō jūyonen sangatsu - Shōwa nijūnen jūnigatsu). CD-ROM. Alchemy, 2003.
This is totally fine as a workaround, so there's nothing urgent about my question.
Language: ja (as seen in the citation)
Result same with "Japanese"
language: ja
into the Extra field of the item.We can see what we can do to address this with field updates.
"language: ja" in the Extra field works great:
Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai. NHK bangumi kakutei hyō / Rajio (Taishō jūyonen sangatsu - Shōwa nijūnen jūnigatsu). Alchemy, 2003.