Zoteroizing Old Microsoft Word Documents

Hello, all -

Please forgive me as I am still learning Zotero; I did not find answers to this question in the forum.

1. Is it possible to "Zoteroize" an old Microsoft Word (Mac) document? Ideally this would involve conversion of the existing footnotes/endnotes and bibliography to Zotero fields format.

2. Failing this, is it worth adding any new footnotes and endnotes in Zotero fields format? The result would be a document with intermixed Word-inserted manual and Zotero-generated fields-based notes. Would this be complete chaos? Presumably automatic Ibids and such would not work reliably.

3. Is there a quick way to discern which documents include Zotero formatting from those which do not? Similarly, is there an easy way to discern the notes generated by Word manually from those generated by Zotero with fields?

Thank you for any guidance.
  • 1. Nothing automatic, no. You'd have to enter the information in Zotero and re-cite it using the add-on.

    2. Depends on the document: As you say, ibid and subsequent shortened cites wouldn't work, nor would the inserted bibliography (if any) make sense, since it only contains Zotero items. I'd generally say this means it's not a great solution, but YMMV. There are no larger technical issues with this. Zotero created and regular footnotes play well with each other.

    3. In default setting, Word shades fields in grey when you hover over them, which generally indicates the presence of Zotero (or other reference manager) field codes. You can toggle the setting in the advanced options of Word to always highlight fields, which would be an easy way to distinguish Zotero/non-Zotero notes.
    Alternatively you can do the reverse of this: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_field_codes i.e. show field codes.
  • Thank you for the prompt and helpful responses.
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