Display patent number column?
Is there a way to display patent numbers in a column along with title/creator(inventor) etc? It does not appear in the menu for column options and does not appear to be mapped to any of the available options. Thanks!
Is there a plan to implement this in the near term? I don't believe it to be too difficult of a modification.
As a minor side quibble, virtually every patent publishing authority uses the [CountryCode]+[PatentNumber]+[KindCode] (with no spaces) as their standard format, i.e. 'US7654321B2'. Zotero currently adds a space between the patent number and the kind code. This is something I end up having to manually edit frequently as I use Zotero to export CSV files of patent search results, then re-import them into other tools and reports.
Thanks again, so happy I found Zotero!
Espacenet, Thomson Innovation, Questel Orbit, TotalPatent, and most other tools that allow you to bulk-import patent numbers require, if there's a kind-code, there be no spaces. The only major authority that doesn't follow that rule is the USPTO which wants just the number with no country-code or kind-code.
For import, ideally it would be great to be able to use Espacenet.com, Orbit, or Thomson Innovation to import, as they have a more complete database of international patents plus all US patents. I'm happy to discuss in private getting you temporary access to TI and Orbit if this is something you want to look at in the future. Many patent professionals use these tools for their daily research and reporting.
I just thought of another possible solution (which would probably take a lot more work). The EPO has a RESTful patent data API that is open to the public (at least to some degree). I wonder if there's any way a future Zotero could simply parse the patent number out of the page URL and fetch the metadata from EPO in a separate request... Maybe an idea for a Zotero plugin.