Import from clipboard


I think 'import from clipboard' is something missing in Zotero. Often, a website containing bibtex references is not recognized by Zotero. It would not be a problem if I could just copy the bibtex from the page and paste it into Zotero as a new bib entry.

Currently, I have to paste the bibtex in a new file and import that file in Zotero.

Thank you
  • This (and the related ability to just auto-detect things like BibTeX in a page) has been requested before; search for more info, but it is definitely on the radar...
  • Auto-detection of BibTex sounds like a great feature.

    The other day I decided to add a quick import from clipboard feature myself. A patch is available for other impatient folk here:

    I couldn't find a spot to post about it on Trac, but will gladly (modify and) submit it if asked.
  • Thanks for the patch. I've added this feature to the Zotero trunk, along with a keyboard shortcut to trigger it. (I simplified your patch a bit—writing to a temporary file, for example, wasn't necessary.)

    This feature will be available in the next beta.
  • That is good news. Thanks, Dan.
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