Suggestion for "non breaking space" between the : and the number


Ive just found that if I only write the page number like (: 123), in the document it was written.

wsfwljwshfsh. fwjfkhsfhjs. jwjfsflwjeslfjwslfjs (:
123) wotusjfwfhshjf

This looks not very nice. If you add the checkbox for remove the year then it would be great if now between the colon and the page number it has a non breaking space.

  • This is possible to do in citation styles (and if you want to we can tell you how).
    Generally nbsp aren't used a ton in English and German typography (they're quite popular in French and most French styles are coded with a nbsp for such cases). We're not going to do it across the board, though.
  • Thanks

    Yes the French has a lot of à etc or the Slovak has also a lot single characters which belongs to the word after.

    This is not so urgent I run not often in this issue.

    It was more a suggestion to make the lifer easier.

  • Not only Slovak. In the Czech, you have also write single characters word belong to the word after. I think other Slavic languages have the similar rules. I have this problem with the term "and" in the list of authors because a cannot use nbsp as a delimiter - between authors have to be standard space. But nbsp has to be after the term "and", if "and" stands at the end of a line (in Czech and Slovak "and" is "a").
  • I hadn't used Zotero for a few years. So is this solved?
  • What exactly do you mean? Like adamsmith said before, most delimiter characters can be specified in the citation style.
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