Report ID: 1206131919

When I try to add the following publication

to my Zotero lists (using Zotero, in Firefox 50.1.0, Linux Ubuntu), I get the error message:

"Could Not Save Item
An error occurred while saving this item. Check
Troubleshooting Translator Issue
for more information.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Firefox
2. Go to
3. Click on "Save to Zotero" button

Thanks for any help.

Jan van den Heuvel
  • Thanks -- the issue is twofold:
    1) The page doesn't offer any useful metadata for Zotero to import so
    2) It falls back to finding the DOI on the page and then trying to import that -- that works most of the time, but the DOI here has a period: 10.7151/dmgt.1154 and we assume no periods in DOIs, as we'd otherwise get too many that incorrectly include a period. I'm afraid there isn't much we can do -- you can easily copy the DOI, click on the "Add by identifier" icon in Zotero, paste the DOI there and import the article like that.

    @zuphilip do you have any idea to be smarter about this. I find it hard to think of anything that wouldn't have significant drawbacks.
  • @adamsmith, wouldn't it be safe enough to continue DOI regex matching unless the period is followed by a whitespace character?

    Also, in this case the DOIs are hyperlinked (<a href="">10.7151/dmgt</a>), so you could test (and prioritize) for that as well, especially now that CrossRef is pushing for DOI hyperlinks.
  • On the top left corner of the page you see that "DOI 10.7151/dmgt" is written explicitly and the translator does not see all of the other content. I think the problem is with the iframe. It works if you open the content separate: .

    DOIs with a period should not be a problem, because we just exclude DOIs which have a period at the end: .

    We could write a dedicated translator for that page. One of the links behind the symbols on the right is leading to the BibTeX.
  • Dear all,

    Thanks for looking into this. Opening the content separately, as suggested by @zuphilip, worked. Let me know if I can be of further help.

  • @zuphilip thanks for catching that -- I thought it was grabbing the DOI one further down and the period seemed like the only reasonable explanation.

    Custom translator is fine, though I won't have the time for that any time soon.
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