Melting Two Documents Together

my problem is this: I usually split my work into separate (word) files. After I finally put the documents together (just copy&paste) updating citations gets realllly slow. But well I can live with that. But now I really have a bigger problem. I have one document (~150 citations) and wanted to add another chapter (~60 citations) and every time I hit the updating button I get a few seconds later a run time error and nothing happens.
Any suggestions on how to fix that?
  • you should probably send an error report if Zotero produces one (and post the report ID here).
    Also for any advice you should provide your operating system, FF and Zt versions as well as the word processor you are using.
    Sometimes one "bad" citation causes this. One thing you could try is to add the second section bit by bit to find out which citation produces the problem.
  • I tried pasting it part by part and suprisingly the error started to occur at another part of the document. It's almost like there is a citation maximum reached. I nailed it down to the one source where it starts causing trouble, deleted it, created a new entry in zotero for it and exchanged it and the same thing happens again. Changing citation styles doesn't make the problem go away. The problem occurs during the insertion of the bibliography. It says Visual Bassic, Runtime error '6', Overflow.
    My System: Xp, Word 2003, Zotero 1.0.9
  • Ah fixed:
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