Search results are not updated after modification of query parameters

Hello !

I noticed that search results are not updated when I modify parameters if a search query (tag).

It would be better if a saved search will behave like a view in DBMSs.

Thanks !
  • I'm not quite clear on what you're saying. Can you provide steps to reproduce?

    Also, are you updating the original search that you saved, or the saved search?
  • edited March 24, 2009
    I created a search and saved it.

    I set up a search to query by spesific tag: tas is "A" .

    After I deleted this tag from one paper I expected this paper disappear from search results. I even re-run the same search and saved with a different name - but that paper is still in search results.
    Only creating a search query from scratch solved that.

    Another thing is it would be nice to have search menu by right click after I select a collection - so the same search window will appear but the collection name will be already set-up in a query.

    Thanks !
  • Works fine for me. Removing a tag from an item causes it to disappear from a saved search for that tag.

    Saved searches auto-update, and non-saved searches that are open in a window update after I click Search again. (Non-saved searches could auto-update, and I thought they used to, but they don't seem to at the moment until you re-click Search.)

    I'd recommend trying again, and make sure you don't have some search other condition matching. You might also check your database integrity in the Advanced pane of the Zotero prefs. You can also send in an error report via Report Errors under the gear menu after trying a search and post the Report ID here.
  • For whatever it is worth, I can replicate this bug in 1.5b2 on Fx 3.0.7 on Ubuntu (x86-64). However, this copy is not refreshing several things for me. Deleting a reference from the middle pane leaves it present in the middle pane; changing an item type does not update the fields displayed until you click off and then back on it; adding a single creator works, but the + icon for the new creator is greyed out & I must click off and then back onto the reference to add a creator. There are no errors to report; I haven't run it with debugging output yet.

    I don't think I saw this in 1.5b1 on this machine & I don't think I see it on other machines that I have 1.5b2 (however, this machine is my primary desktop at work & I've been writing a paper since the upgrade, so this would be where I'd notice it). I do have about a dozen extensions on this particular browser. I can try disabling them later to see if one is the culprit.

    It really hasn't been annoying enough for me to debug, as the workaround is usually easy or the things that aren't being updated immediately aren't that annoying. Perhaps when I am finished with my writing, I will be able to look at this more closely...
  • I can try disabling them later to see if one is the culprit.
    This was a quick thing to try. The lack of a refresh, reported here, occurred with all other extensions disabled. I will look at the issue in more depth later.
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