Zotero sync error

When I attempt to sync zotero, either through the standalone or the firefox version, I get the following error message: "Error processing uploaded data (Report ID: 69ee26bf)" and this is the report ID--105803724.

Any help would be appreciated. I already uninstalled the standalone version and reinstalled it and this did not fix anything.
  • (Dan will have to look at the error itself, but FWIW, don't re-install when errors occur. It very, very rarely helps, so it's basically just a waste of your time and in some rare instances can make troubleshooting harder for us)
  • Zotero should obviously give a better error message for this, but you have a collection with an invalid name that's too long to sync — look for a collection beginning with "011".
  • (Looks like this is already fixed to give a clearer error message in Zotero 5.0, which will be out soon.)
  • Hi Dan. Thanks so much for letting me know about that--i just deleted that collection as well as the one that starts with "010" since that seemed long as well and was able to sync. Appreciate the help!
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