How to stop title capitalization?

My updated zotero adds brackets to article titles to force capitalization.
For example, title = {A {Multiproduct} {Risk}-{Averse} {Newsvendor} with {Law}-{Invariant} {Coherent} {Measures} of {Risk}}
This is not the right style for most journals that I read.
How can I disable this forced capitalization?
Is it able to get the old version back?
  • Are you exporting to BibTeX or using the Better BibTeX plugin?

    Simple answer, you should store titles in Zotero in sentence case. The export is assuming that you want all of the capitalized words to be always capitalized.
  • Thank you bwiernik for the quick reply.

    I am exporting to bibtex.

    Is it possible to stop the export from assuming this? Manually changing the cases is too hard. If this cannot be configured, it will prevent many from using zotero.
  • (there's a hidden pref to disable this in bibtex export; away from desktop, but shouldn't be hard to find)
  • Thanks adamsmith for the reply.

    I found this in the documentation: BibTeX.export.dontProtectInitialCase, but cannot find it in about:config. Is it available in Windows standalone?
  • I should point out that converting to sentence case in Zotero is the better solution, as it's the only way you can protect proper nouns and their capitalization on bibtex export.

    But if you want to use the hidden preference, I believe you have to create it, i.e. right click anywhere in about config --> New --> Boolean and then name it "BibTeX.export.dontProtectInitialCase" and set it to True
  • (Note also that no software, Zotero or otherwise, can reliably go from Title Case to Sentence Case without producing errors for proper nouns.)
  • edited December 10, 2016
    A reminder: Zotero makes it easy to change from title case to sentence case. Right click in the title field and select "sentence case" from the dropdown. You will need to make manual changes to certain nouns show the first character as upper case. I can attest from personal experience that this process can be accomplished quite quickly.

    edit: For the right-click to display the dropdown menu, the title field must not be selected. First click in another field then hover over the title field and right-click.
  • Thanks a lot~ adamsmith, bwiernik, DWL-SDCA
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