Hide sidebar on startup - zotero 4.029.15

Hi ,

I have a very simple request - how can I hide the left-hand sidebar in zotero on startup?

I am talking about the sidebar (or section) that has "Info", "Notes","Tags" and "Related". I know it can be hidden by dragging the slider to left, but it hides the sidebar for just that session. And again when I fire up zotero the sidebar is open and visible.

Reason I am asking this is because I have a long list of publications added to my zotero folders, and hiding the left side bar gives more space to middle section which has all the publications. This makes it easy to see the dates and author information while keeping the zotero open in split screen i.e. zotero running in half of screen split vertically.

Thanks for helping.

  • I don't think you can. We had so many problems with people who accidentally hid the right (and you must mean right unless you have a mirrored screen somehow) tab and then couldn't find it anymore that it now always shows after restart. I don't think that'll change, sorry.
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