Card details


I have tried to add something to our unlimited library today and get the following error -
'TBC shared library' has reached its Zotero File Storage quota. Some files were not uploaded. Other Zotero data will continue to sync to the server.'

It automatically renewed today and it is using my old card details so I imagine it is to do with this, how can I change the payment method on the account?

It is also registered to an old email address which it won't let me change, please can you advise how to do this also?

  • Not sure about the card details (@fcheslack would know) but you can change your e-mail address by adding a new e-mail address (which can't be used for any other account) and then switching to that as the primary e-mail.
  • It won't let me add an email address when I try and add my email address it says 'Could not add email address' in a red bar at the top.
    Please if you could let me know about the card details too that would be great.
  • I have sorted out the email address now. I just need help with why it won't let me add anything and how to make a new payment as I think this is why, it renewed with my old card details. Thanks
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