I need to build a citation database for my advisor!

Aloha e everyone,

I am currently a RA for my advisor who, sadly, still writes in her citation by hand and builds her bibliography the same way. She has asked me to help her finally get into citation managers. Thus, one of my tasks is to start building her citation database. I came to the conclusion that Zotero might be the best for doing this. I have been using Zotero, but I use it for its simplest of features because that is what I need. Am I able to just build the database for her and share it with her; and, once it is shared, can she save it to a private database once we stop sharing (when my RAship is over)
  • You will want to use Groups for this:

    Set up a group that you will both share. Best practice would be for her account to own the group and you to be a member (so that she retains ownership/control when you leave without hassle). If she likes, she can copy the items to her personal library or just keep them in the Group Library (I do the latter with my RAs). If you need more online storage space for PDFs, she should purchase it with her account (again, so that it stays with her once your RAship ends).

    For getting started with building her library, you may find it helpful to use a tool like anystyle.io to import her previous manually created reference lists:
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