Style Request: Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins (Kohlhammer)

edited November 22, 2016
I would be very greatful if someone could create the following style. It does not come even close to anything in the repository.

John L. CAMPBELL/Ove K. PEDERSEN, The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, in: Comparative Political Studies 40, 3 (2007) S. 307-332.

Isabela MARES, Firms and the welfare state. When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? in: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, hg. von Peter A. HALL/David SOSKICE, New York 2001, S. 184-213.

ISSN: 0044-2607
ISBN: 978-3-17-023347-8

Thank you very much!

Marie Muschalek

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