How do I insert and maintain not-citation text in footnotes?

I sometimes have multi-reference footnotes with cross-reference, for example:

Clement of Alexandria, (Stromata, 1.14). Jerome (On Titus, 1.12-14) seems to depend on Clement and to consider the precise attribution unimportant; Socrates (History of the Church, III, 16, “On the Emperor’s Prohibiting Christians Being Instructed in Greek Literature, [etc.],”) may also be dependent on Clement’s claim when he refers to “the oracles of Epimenides.” Jerome D. Quinn (The Letter to Titus: A New Translation and Commentary and An Introduction to Titus, I and II Timothy, The Pastoral Epistles; The Anchor Bible, Volume 35; New York: Doubleday, 1990, 107) acknowledges that Jerome’s attribution to Epimenides was tentative, based on a “report” dicitur, second-hand.

My problem, is that Zotero is not allowing me to insert text between references to specific works. The citation editor accepts text but deletes it as soon as it's closed, and any comments I make within Word aside from the automatic reference that Zotero creates are deleted upon every refresh.

I'm new to Zotero, so I wonder if it is possible to comment on the references within a footnote. Just having a string of references doesn't work for my purposes, because I need to speak about them.

I am using Zotero in Word 2010 as well as with Firefox. Thanks!
  • The best way to do this is to use the prefix/suffix options of the word processor add-on. Those apply to every individual citation, so you can use them to create footnotes as complex as you want to.
  • Many thanks, adamsmith! I saw the prefix/suffix fields but thought those might have been for technical uses that would be subject to rearrangement depending on citation style/syntax. I see they are simple whatever you want to go before or after the automated citation. Much appreciated.
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