Content not syncing between Macs
I started my library on Mac A using Zotero storage, then bought Mac B, synced the library to B, and have been doing most of my work on B. I cannot get the libraries to completely sync between these two machines. In particular, some but not all attachments are not synced from B -> A. I tried resetting from B->server and server->A, and while all the entries seem to be present, a number (but not all) of attachments are missing, including PDFs and web pages.
I'm using Zotero on both machines from within Firefox 49.0.2 on both machines.
I'm using Zotero on both machines from within Firefox 49.0.2 on both machines.
Then see
The file I tried to open (at the end of the debug dump) is available on the Zotero server - I specifically checked.
Here is a link to a screen capture on Mac B, showing a specific PDF file open in the Firefox browser, demonstrating that it is present on Mac B; this library was fully synced onto the Zotero server replacing the previous contents on the server: 2016-11-15 21.44.49.png?dl=0
Here is a link to a screen capture on Mac A (after the reset/sync/file open) showing that the specific PDF file is listed as being present on the Zotero server, but it is not marked as present on Mac A and cannot be opened on Mac A: Shot 2016-11-15 at 9.45.05 PM.png?dl=0