Bug in MacOS standalone: edits to bibliography format not imported to Word


If you edit the bibliography of an item to put something in italics (using Zotero's wysiwyg editor) the format change is not applied to the Word document in which the bibliography 'lives'. Content changes do get automatically updated.

I am using Zotero and Microsoft Word for Mac 15.27 (161010) on MacOS Sierra 10.12.1.
  • Where are you trying to edit the bibliography (in Word or in Zotero)? And are you trying to edit just one item or all of the items in the bibliography?
  • Here is the process:

    - From Word document, click on "Zotero Edit Bibliography" button
    - In the Zotero window, edit one item. Make changes to both content (e.g. add a few characters) and formatting (e.g. put some of the text in italics)
    - Once I save the changes in the Zotero window and go back to Word (or after a "Zotero update" in Word), I can see the content changes in Word but not the formatting changes (whatever I changed to Italics in Zotero is not in italics in Word)
  • Don't use the Edit Bibliography menu for that. Instead, when you are done with the document, choose the Remove Field Codes option in the Zotero menu (and save as a new copy of the file). Then just edit the formatting you want to tweak in Word like any other text.

    Don't do this, though, if it is an error for the entire style--in that case, it's better to fix the style itself. We can help with that if you have specifics.
  • Ok, that is actually what I did since I had a paper I had to submit.

    Regarding the style, I also fixed it the moment I had turned my paper in ;-)

    I later reported the apparent bug here in case it was something you would like to look into.


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