zotfile: Sync between linux and windows

I use zotfile to rename my attachments and store them in my dropbox folder. I specify the subdirectories as "/%a/%w" and "\%a\%w" respectively. I have previously instructed zotero to use relative paths.

First case: I add an article to zotero in windows and attach an file. Zotero online syncs the entry to linux, the attachment via dropbox. When I try to open the file in linux, it does not work.

Second case: I do the same thing in linux. Then, I try to open it in windows, and it works.

I apologize if my post is not up to the standards of this forum. I would be happy to provide more output if told what needed. Is it possible to fix this bug in the near future?
  • I'm guessing it's the direction of the slashes? -- have you tried using /%a on Windows? Does that not work?
  • Good question. Originally, I did it as you suggested. It turned out that the zotfile manual tells you to use different separators for linux and windows.
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