Zotero not starting in Firefox

Today I am unable to run Zotero for Firefox. The Zotero icon in my browser tells me "There was an error starting Zotero." I see that a new Firefox update was pushed out two days ago - could the error be related to the update? I am running Firefox 45.4.0 ESR on a PC with Windows 7.

I can run Zotero Standalone and I can use the Chrome connector to save references to my library. It's just the Firefox version that is not currently working for me.
  • You have tried restarting I assume? Running Zotero on FF45 ESR certainly _should_ work.
  • Restarting Firefox did not solve the problem, but restarting my laptop did. I don't know what I was doing that caused the error in the first place, but I hadn't tried to use Zotero since the Nov. 2 update and jumped to conclusions.

    When in doubt, restart - is always good troubleshooting advice.
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