Citation in OpenOffice to link directly to a zotero file

Hello, while I'm writing I need to have constant reviews to my references and using the search each time is really annoying and a waste of time.

I would like to know how could I add an option or citation style which could add a link on OpenOffice to a pdf or website (not the url but the local copy) located in my zotero. I would like a way to adding it automatically and not manually each time, it's really time consuming and if all the info is there it should be easy to implement.

Also, Openoffice doesn't work using "zotero://" in hyperlinks, just with "file://" so it should add a direct link to the file or the index.html (by the way, how does Zotero detects the name of the page on a website to open it directly? Does It just look for the first htm or html?)

Thank you very much!
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